Many insurance carriers will charge tobacco and smoker rates if you’ve used tobacco or nicotine-containing products within 12 months of your life insurance application. This includes the use of products other than cigarettes, e-cigarettes, or vapes. These rates are typically three times higher than non-tobacco rates for the same life insurance policy. So if you’re a nicotine user, navigating the world of life insurance can seem daunting. However, with the right knowledge and resources, you can ensure that you’re getting the best rates possible.
- Access to Non-Tobacco Rates: There are certain companies that give you a non-smoker rate for the first 3 years. If you don’t stop smoking in 3 years, they give you the option of paying the same amount but decreasing the benefit or paying more and keeping the benefit the same. They send you a swab that you must follow instructions for and mail back to determine whether you stopped smoking or not. If you don’t send the swab back they will adjust your benefit amount.
- Expanded Coverage Options: There are insurance companies that offer non-tobacco rates even for admitted use of chewing tobacco (snuff), cigars, pipe, nicotine gum, pouches, and patches! This means you can still enjoy competitive rates while using alternative nicotine products.
By getting expert guidance from a broker, you can avoid paying higher rates and secure the coverage you need at a price that fits your budget. If you have any questions or need assistance don’t hesitate to reach out to us. You can contact us by calling or texting (813) 761-2836, or email us at
- Quility